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New RC Field Update!

First I just want to take a minute and thank all of the Rend Lake College employees who are working on the new RC field. It's been a hot couple weeks and they're out there every day getting it done. So a big thank you to all those guys!

This new site is going to be great in supporting kids camps, college classes, events and whatever else we can come up with.

We try to update the Blog every week, but for more up to date postings, please follow us on Facebook at rendlakercclub240.

Last week we started big items at the new field. Irrigation system, concrete pad for pavilion and steel arrived for the pavilion.

And irrigation system for the new field was a must. A fescue blend of grass had been planted earlier in the spring to get a grass base started for the new flying field. It was in the plans that once and irrigation system was installed the field will be over seeded with Bermuda grass. Now that the irrigation system is up and running the over seeding will begin next week.

Below are images to show the progress of each phase for the new RC field.

Irrigation System:

Grade work and preparation for the concrete pad began last week for the new pavilion. And as of this morning the first pour of three was completed. The remaining pours are expected to be completed by the end of next week.

Pad and Pavilion:

All of the steel for the new pavilion arrived this week. Work has already began cutting all the angles for fitment. Everything for the pavilion is expected to be cut by the middle of next week and will then be brought down to college for completion.


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Fly Days:

Any day of the week at the College  Next Meeting: March 2nd. We do not meet in January. Club Meetings are usually on the first Sunday of the month at the flying field in good weather at 2:30 PM. In case of inclement weather they will be in the College South Oasis

Field Location  Click on dashed square  to see larger view
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